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Bearded Dragon Diet

October 10, 2016

Like many other animals, Bearded Dragons require a special diet.

See below for lists of safe vegetables, fruits, and plants, as well as unsafe plants.

Safe Vegetables

Acorn squash Artichoke heart Asparagus Beets Beetroot
Bell Peppers Bok Choy Broccoli Brussels sprouts Butternut squash
Cabbage Cauliflower Celery Chicory Collard greens
Cucumber Endive Green beans Lentils Kale
Kohlrabi Mushrooms Mustard greens Okra Parsley
Parsnips Peas, green Pumpkin Radicchio Rutabagas
Snow peas Spagetti squash Spring greens Sweet potato Swiss chard
Turnip greens Yams Yellow squash

Safe Fruits

Apples Apricots Bananas Blackberries Blueberries
Chayote Cherries Cranberries Figs Grapefruit
Grapes Guava Kiwi Mangos Melons
Nectarines Papayas Peaches Pears Pineapples
Plums Pomegranate Prickly pears Prunes Raisins
Raspberries Starfruit Strawberries Tomatoes

Safe Plants

Alfalfa Arugula Astilbe Baby's tears Basil
Borage Carnations Chinese lantern Clover Coriander
Dahlia Dandelion greens Day lilies Fennel Ficus
Hibiscus Hollyhock Lavender Lemon grass Mequite leaves
Mint leaves Mulberry leaves Nasturtium Oregano Pansies
Petunia Phlox Rose petals Rosemary Sage
Thyme Watercress Yucca

Unsafe Plants

Acocanthera Amaryllis Angel's trumpet Azalea Bittersweet
Black locust Boxwood Braken fern Buckthorn Burdock
Buttercup Caladium Calla lily Catclaw acacia Caster bean
Chinaberry Clematis Coral Plant Crocus Daphne
Death camas Delphinium Dieffenbachia Elderberry Elephant's ears
Euonymus Europeon pennyroyal Four o'clock Heliotrope Henbane
Holly Horse chestnut Horse nettle Hyacinth Hydrangea
Iris Ivy Jack-in-the-pulpit Jerusalem cherry Jonquil
Juniper Lantana Larkspur Laurel Lily-of-the-valley
Lobella Mistletoe Mock orange Monkshood Moonseed
Morning glory Narcissus Oak Oleander Peony
Periwinkle Peyote Philodendron Poison hemlock Poison ivy
Poison oak Poison sumac Poinsetta Pokeweed Poppy
Primrose Privet Ragwort Red maple Rhododendron
Rosary pea Shamrock plant Skunk cabbage Snowdrop Sorrel
Spurges Star of Bethlehem Sweet pea Tobacco Tulip
Virginia creeper Vetches Water hemlock Waxberry Wild daffodil
Wisteria Yew
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